Order catch up

Catching up on System2 orders with a mass manufacturing session. We’re busier than expected with System2 orders, so having to change our priorities this week. Have to ship orders after all.

We have a large number of mimic panels in the queue, so there’ll be a big push to get the artwork drawn and approved. We do this in batches as it helps streamline the diverse work we do.

Seems the laser plywood has shot up again in price and increased in scarcity.  Trying to obtain the right wood at the right quality soaks up a lot of time.

One specific IC on that’s on all System2 boards is in short supply. We have stock for the next two months; however lead times and availability aren’t encouraging. I keep hearing how the chip shortage is solved. It is not.

We’re expecting delivery of the new System2 Stall motor / Kato prototype boards today. All we need to do is write software and start testing. Currently scheduled for the back end of this week.