RFID reader code tweaks

Making final code tweaks for the RFID reader and display products following installation and feedback on user’s layouts.

Completed documentation and listed product for the RFID dual reader board.

Documentation has been reorganised with generic System2 information forming the reference section and board specific features moved to the front. We plan to adjust all System2 documentation to this format.

Completing documentation for the RFID 4 channel display board.

As soon as the product video for RFID (display and reader) is uploaded, the RFID reader, RFID display and RFID web shop listings will be opened for limited purchase.

Filmed Phil’s workshop for the next Making Tracks video. It will feature at the end of the video where we see him making station buildings along many other inspirational products.

System2 RFID readers (x8) fitted to Making Tracks 3 layout ready for testing.