The in-32 and out-32 products have launched.
These are functionally equivalent to the Panel Controller except where a Panel Controller offers 16/16 inputs/outputs the in-32 has 32/0 and the out-32 has 0/32.
Will be of interest to high density wiring areas such as mimic panels, fiddle yards and station throats.

System2 Input-32
A 32 port input controller. The input-32 is functionally equivalent to the inputs on the Panel Controller.
All the convenience of Wi-Fi configuration. All the reliability of a CAN two wire network for reliability.
System2 products are only compatible with other System2 products unless otherwise stated.

System2 Output-32
A 32 port output controller. The output-32 is functionally equivalent to the LED outputs on the Panel Controller.
This board will be of interest where you have a high density of LEDs and wish to reduce the board count.
See also the complimentary Input-32 product.