The System2 Solenoid Driver has the following features:

  • Common 12 Volt power supply to all other System2 components.
  • Supports up to 4 solenoid channels.
  • Built in CDU (Capacitive Discharge Unit).
  • Built in charge pump raising the 12 volt supply to 19 volts.
  • Huge reservoir capacitor (plenty of thump).
  • Intelligent firing, will only fire when capacitor is charged.
  • Control via two wire CAN bus.
  • Optional control via Wi-Fi (native mode).
  • Optional control via Wi-Fi (JMRI mode) * coming soon.
  • Can support two motors per output (assuming they move freely).
  • Addressable via vPort for both command and feedback.
  • Software updateable as new features arrive.


Read this first

Solenoid User Reference / Guide



Solenoid Driver Introduction

MQTT Broker installation Guide for Windows 10 (required for Wi-Fi use).

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